Tag: love
#25 Pod Pod Cvlt Glossary (Part 2)
Summary The second part of our Glossary episode! We get a bit more advanced, a bit kinkier, and more personal. Meanwhile, the world is a literal tire fire, so… Our… Continue Reading #25 Pod Pod Cvlt Glossary (Part 2)
#24 Pod Pod Cvlt Glossary (Part 1)
Summary Welcome back to the Pod Pod Cvlt Cast! We’re kicking off Season Two with a back-to-basics episode to create a glossary/lexicon/list (a something) of polyam and kink terms. If… Continue Reading #24 Pod Pod Cvlt Glossary (Part 1)
#18 #justbepoly (#hannahratemybumblebee)
Summary Our much anticipated Jealousy Episode! We answer YOUR questions from all over the Social Meteors (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Email, and… Whisper?) about jealousy in relationships. Chastain is a Relationship… Continue Reading #18 #justbepoly (#hannahratemybumblebee)
#7 Love Does Not Conquer All
Summary Toxic monogamy! What is it? How can we avoid toxic relationships. What is love? The Pod talks about toxic relationship cultures and their own toxic behaviors. This episode touches… Continue Reading #7 Love Does Not Conquer All