#14 I’m a Hufflepuff, Mother F*cker!

The Pod takes quizzes to learn their love languages and attachment styles. We also reveal our Harry Potter Houses, how emotionally reactive our hive mind is, and that Max and Erik are not gentle lovers.
This episode contains frank discussions of relationships, astrological signs, baking, and the fact that we aren’t mental health professionals. We took these quizzes for funsies ONLY!
Terms of Note
Here are some terms and phrases we use in this podcast and links to articles we find informative. If we say something unfamiliar to you, please drop us a line on Twitter @podpodcvltcast FB /podpodcvltcast or email: thepod@podpodcvltcast.com
- Harry Potter Pottermore Houses
- Know Your Status (STI Testing)
- The 5 Love Languages
- Words of Affirmation
- Touch
- Service
- Gifts
- Quality Time
- Parentification
- Communication Styles
- Myers Briggs Type
- Enneagram Type
- Gifted Children – Depressed Adults
- Negging
Resources & References
- @cvltwithav Instagram Post: George Washington’s Costume
- Website: Pottermore
- App: Tinder
- Quiz: Love Language Quiz
- App: Our Home
- Quiz: Attachment Style Quiz
- Quiz: Emotional Reactivity Quiz
- Youtube: Divine Miracles with B Divine
Credits & Contact
- Hosts: Max, Chastain, Hannah, & Erik
- Website: www.podpodcvltcast.com
- Email: thepod@podpodcvltcast.com
- Title Music: “Spencer – Bluegrass” by Lobo Loco
- Midroll Music: “The Point Break” by Pale Blue/Goberino